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Antidepressant Tofranil

Tofranil Pill

Tofranil (Imipramine) is a tricyclic antidepressant drug that is considered as one of the portent treatment of depression. It is also used for bed- wetting children.

Mode of Action of Tofranil (Imipramine)

Many times the balance of the chemicals called neurotransmitters (like norepinephrine) gets disturbed due to one or the other disorder. Tofranil (Imipramine) is an antidepressant drug that works by affecting the unbalanced chemicals in the brain.

For the treatment of bed- wetting, this drug blocks the effect of natural substances called acetylcholine, on the child’s bladder.


Uses of Tofranil (Imipramine)

Tofranil (Imipramine) is majorly used for the treatment of depression. If given for the treatment of depression, this drug helps in improving the mood, enhancing appetite, enhancing energy level and improving sleep. It helps in restoring the interest of the patients in daily living.

It is also used in the treatment of enuresis (bed- wetting). It is given to the children who are 6 years or more in age who have a habit of bed- wetting.

How to take Tofranil (Imipramine)?

Tofranil (Imipramine) has to be taken orally. You can take it with or without food. It has to be taken one to four times a day or as advised by the doctor. If you experience drowsiness during the day time, you must discuss it with your doctor he will curate one single dose to be taken at bed time. The dosage must be strictly decided by the doctor. He will decide the dose according to your response to the treatment and according to the body weight. To minimize the side- effects, the doctor will give you a low dose and then gradually increase the dose.

When to a child for bedwetting, it has to be taken an hour before the child hits the bed.

Side- effects of Tofranil (Imipramine)

The common side- effects of Tofranil (Imipramine) include:

These side effects occur at a mild level but, if they persist or worsen with time, you must consult your doctor.

The serious side- effects of Tofranil (Imipramine) include:

The rare and serious side- effects of Tofranil (Imipramine) include:

Active ingredient: Imipramine

Trade brand and generic names of Imipramine: Antidep, Apo-Imipramine, Celamine, Depramina, Depranil, Depsonil, Depsonil-PM, Eldep, Elepsin, Ethipramine, Imipra, Imipramina, Imipramine, Imiprin, Impril, Imprine, Imp-Tab, Janimine, Medipramine, Melipramin, Melipramine, Microdep, Mipralin, Novo-Pramine, PMS-Imipramine, Praminan, Pramine, Presamine, Primonil, Pryleugan, Sermonil, Surplix, Talpramin, Tofranil, Tofranil Mite, Tofranile, Tolerade

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